Expert – Professional – Prestigious
Get to Know Side Plast Closely.
SIDEPLAST has been contributing to the Turkish Economy since 1970, in this journey that the Turkish Plastic Industry started in 1965. The effort to adapt to changing world standards and constantly renew itself makes SIDEPLAST a pioneer in the sector and an organization that sets quality standards.
SIDEPLAST has created its production strategy by adopting the concept of “Ideal Product” with its wide product range and high quality understanding. Its efforts focused on customer satisfaction and efforts to use high technology make SIDEPLAST one of the leading and innovative companies in the sector.
Kalsiyum karbonat dolgulu polipropilen compound, polipropilen polimerine kalsiyum karbonat dolgusu eklenerek elde edilen bir malzemedir. Bu, polipropilenin mekanik özelliklerini iyileştirmeye ve mukavemetini artırmaya yardımcı olan bir bileşimdir. Kalsiyum karbonat takviyeli olarak üretilebilen olan polipropilen compound ürünlerimiz içeriğindeki özel katkılar ve kalsiyum karbonat sayesinde, nihai ürüne bükülmezlik, sertlik ve mukavemet katar. Ürünlerimizdeki standart kalsiyum karbonat oranı %75 oranında olup bu oran isteğe göre değişkenlik gösterebilmektedir.
Our products are produced in all the colors you want.Our products are produced in all the colors you want.
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+90 212 482 88 80